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"JFK: Destiny Betrayed" Misleads on the Katzenbach Memorandum

Writer's picture: Fred LitwinFred Litwin

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, misleads viewers on a memo written by Nicholas Katzenbach about investigating JFK's assassination. Here is an excerpt from JFK: Destiny Betrayed: (53:30 in episode 2)

Whoopi Goldberg: J. Edgar Hoover wrote a memo to the newly sworn-in President Johnson that evening, saying "The thing I am concerned about is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin." The day before, he had told Johnson that the case, "as it stands now, isn't strong enough to be able to get a conviction." The next day, Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach wrote a memo to the White House saying, "The public must be satisfied that Oswald did not have confederates who are still at large, and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial. We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort." With those two memos, the FBI became the main investigatory arm in the JFK case. There was never any serious discussion that independent investigators were needed. The idea in Washington now became to contain the crime to Oswald, therefore, cutting off any connections to a wider Russia-Cuba communist conspiracy, which could provoke the threat of atomic war.

Here is the transcript of the phone call between J. Edgar Hoover and Lyndon Johnson about the state of the evidence. This phone call took place at 10:00 AM on November 23rd which was very early in the investigative process. Hoover notes that the "evidence that they have at the present time is not very strong." But importantly, there is a new development:

The FBI had just tracked down the purchase and shipment of Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle -- and Hoover realized that that was important. I doubt James DiEugenio would have been impressed had Hoover said that the evidence was strong enough for a conviction.

Note that the memo also contains some incorrect information. On page 3, Hoover notes "I think that the bullets were fired from the fifth floor and the three shells were found on the fifth floor. But he apparently went upstairs to the sixth floor to have fired the gun and throw the gun away and then went out." As Howard Willens noted in his book History Will Prove Us Right, "As I would later learn, Hoover's version of facts and reports of conversations were often unreliable." (page 18)

By this time, Hoover had a fuller appreciation of the case against Oswald. Vincent Bugliosi notes: (page 321 of Reclaiming History)

Conspiracy theorists have maintained for years that this statement by Hoover ["The thing I am concerned about is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."] means Hoover was trying to set Oswald up. It wouldn't enter their minds that another interpretation of these words was that Hoover (like virtually everyone else in law enforcement at the time) was convinced that Oswald was guilty and Hoover wanted to help make sure a vulnerable and severely traumatized American public, susceptible to rumors and speculation, also became convinced of this reality.

Of course, JFK: Destiny Betrayed does not mention this part of the memo:

It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and a statement to this effect be made now.

Katzenbach wants to ensure that in the future "all the facts have been told."

He also says:

I think, however, that a statement that all the facts will be made public property in an orderly and responsible way should be made now.

It is true that Katzenbach worried about Congressional hearings, but that reflects a feeling that undue partisanship could be counterproductive. He does add:

The only other step would be the appointment of a Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine the evidence and announce its conclusions.

The memo noted:

It is Katzenbach's feeling that this matter can best be handled by making public the results of the FBI's investigation. He thought time was of the essence, but that the report, of course, had to be accurate."

John McAdams comments on whether the Katzenbach memo is nefarious: (page 81 of JFK Assassination Logic)

So just how is the Katzenbach memo sinister? If one begins with the assumption that there was a conspiracy, that the evidence of conspiracy was obvious on the Monday after the Friday assassination, and that Katzenbach knew (or somehow suspected) a conspiracy was afoot, then the memo is certainly nefarious. But you have to begin with that assumption. If Katzenbach believed that Oswald was the lone assassin -- as the Dallas Police Department said and as the FBI believed and told Katzenbach as of November 24 -- it's entirely different. And if you believe that rumors and speculation can be harmful -- for example, they could fan a war with Russia by implying Communist involvement or hurt the international reputation of the United States if right-wingers could pull off the murder of a president -- then a public-spirited person would advocate doing exactly what Katzenbach did. Today such action is called transparency.

Katzenbach's intention was to ensure that the Warren Commission had the ability to properly evaluate the material it received from the various agencies:

It didn't take Lyndon Johnson long to realize that he had to head off a Texas State inquiry and a Congressional inquiry, and by Executive Order 1130 created a Presidential Commission:

Howard Willens noted that "The executive order empowered the commission to prescribe its own procedures and employ such personnel as it deemed necessary." (page 25 in History Will Prove Us Right)

JFK: Destiny Betrayed leaves out many important points. The objective of Nicholas Katzenbach wasn't to "contain the crime to Oswald," but to contain undue rumors and speculation. He worked for Robert Kennedy, and he wanted the truth to come out.

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Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, claims that General Curtis LeMay was ordered by General Zuckert to land at Andrews Air Force Base from his holiday in Canada, and that LeMay then decided to go to National Airport. That is not what happened.

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, misleads viewers on the opinions of Parkland Hospital doctors and Bethesda witnesses regarding JFK's head wound.

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Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, features Dr. Charles Crenshaw to bolster its claim that President Kennedy was shot from the front. Viewers are not informed of Dr. Crenshaw's credibility problems

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, misleads viewers into thinking the Harper fragment was occipital bone that came from the back of Kennedy's head

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, tries to make the case that because Parkland Hospital doctors saw cerebellum extruding from Kennedy's head wound, that it indicated an exit wound.

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed uses a variety of supposed witnesses to allege that the wound in the back of Kennedy's head was one of exit. Audrey Bell is one such witness and she doesn't have much credibility.

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An essay on the intellectual monstrosity of JFK: Destiny Betrayed.

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, misleads viewers into believing that Otto Otepka uncovered evidence that Oswald was a fake defector.

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, alleges that Jack Ruby was signaled by car horns in the basement of the Dallas Police Department. The evidence clearly shows that there were many horns being sounded in the basement.

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, misleads viewers by intimating that that there was a through-and-through hole in the windshield. This is simply not true.

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, makes the erroneous claim that Lee Harvey Oswald was not paid for his last quarter of service in the U.S. Marines.

JFK: Destiny Betrayed needlessly, and unfairly, criticizes the Sixth Floor Museum.

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, alleges that an extra bullet was found in JFK's limousine the evening of the assassination. This is just not true.

JFK: Destiny Betrayed alleges the CIA was involved in an assassination plot against French President Charles de Gaulle. Scenes from a fictional film are used to buttress the allegation. The truth - the CIA had nothing to do with the supposed plot.

The evidence is clear - Robert Kennedy wanted Allen Dulles on the Warren Commission.

Jim Garrison is AWOL in Oliver Stone's so-called documentary JFK: Destiny Betrayed.

Previous Relevant Blog Posts on JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass

Oliver Stone makes the claim in his so-called documentary, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, that the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) turned conspiracy theory into conspiracy fact. This is simply not true.

Oliver Stone is disappointed that no major movie or TV reviewers have commented on his so-called documentary.

Yes, Oliver Stone is an alterationist.

James Kirchick's terrific article on Oliver Stone and homosexuality.

Just when I thought conspiracy theorists couldn't get any crazier.

Tracy Parnell debunks a series about JFK Revisited on the WhoWhatWhy website, and Andrew Jackson debunks the film on Quora. Both articles are well worth your time.

Did Saundra Spencer really develop a completely different set of autopsy photographs?

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary tries to make the case that a White House photographer took photos at the autopsy. The only problem is that there is no evidence he was actually there.

Stone misspeaks on the Joe Rogan show about JFK's brain.

Stone misspeaks on the Joe Rogan show and I present a challenge to conspiracy theorists.

Tracy Parnell dissects Morley's article on JFK assassination documents and "JFK Revisited"

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Max Boot: Oliver Stone just can't stop spreading lies about JFK's assassination.

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Robert Kennedy, Jr. believes in a massive conspiracy regarding Covid and the intelligence agencies.

While Gerald Ford edited some language in the Warren Report, he did not change the location of the back wound. Autopsy photographs show exactly the location of the back wound.

Oliver Stone's so-called documentary alleges that Oswald was "moved" to Dallas and "placed" in the Texas School Book Depository. This is totally ridiculous.

The preponderance of the evidence indicates JFK's throat wound was one of exit.

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Gochenaur's writings don't back up his allegations in JFK Revisited.

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Oliver Stone's so-called documentary makes it sound like the autopsy photographer said that he did not take the photos of JFK's brain that are in the current inventory,

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There is something really obscene about Oliver Stone once again going after Clay Shaw.

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Oliver Stone once again raises the issue of the legitimacy of the backyard photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald.

This post debunks every witness that has ever claimed Shaw was Bertrand.

He cannot imagine any sort of non-conspiratorial explanations for any of the suspicious pieces of evidence in his film.

No, Clay Shaw was not a "contract agent."

Steve Roe Blog Posts on JFK Revisited & JFK: Destiny Betrayed

Oswald was paid by the Marine Corps, not ONI, CIA or any other Intelligence agency.

JFK: Destiny Betrayed doesn't tell the whole truth about Dr. Malcolm Perry.

Steve Roe finds additional evidence that debunks the allegation in JFK: Destiny Betrayed

that Oswald not paid by the Marines for the 3rd quarter of 1959.

Stone and DiEugenio falsely accuse the Sixth Floor Museum as openly promoting Oswald as the Assassin.

An exchange of letters between James DiEugenio and Jeremy Gunn of the ARRB.

Is This How Real Documentaries Are Made? There is some 'interesting' editing in Oliver Stone's so-called documentary.

JFK Revisited Screen Writer Crawfishes on Dallas to Chicago Airmail Overnight Delivery James DiEugenio changes his story on the Klein's money order.

Conspiracy theorist James DiEugenio doesn't understand the history of the mail deliver in the United States.

The truth about Jack Ruby and the FBI.

JFK Revisited: Again, Caught Creating False Mysteries "Stone/DiEugenio hatch another Bogus Mystery with Sinister Strap/Sling Mounts on Oswald's Rifle"

Oliver Stone claims that Oswald could not have been in the sniper's nest on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Steve Roe exposes Stone's mistakes.

In an interview on RT [Russia Today], Oliver Stone says that the throat wound might have been made by a flechette.

Steve Roe presents some examples of Oliver Stone's 'creative' abilities.

Oliver Stone distorts the testimony about Oswald's palmprint on the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.


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