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Fred Litwin
Jul 14, 20219 min read
Fletcher Prouty's Interview with the ARRB, Part Three
Regarding the 112th Intelligence Corps (INTC) Group and/or the 316th INTC Detachment Here is the allegation as taken from the ARRB memo...

Fred Litwin
Jul 13, 202112 min read
Fletcher Prouty's Interview with the ARRB, Part Two
Regarding Christchurch, New Zealand and The Christchurch Star Here is an excerpt from the ARRB memo of the interview summary with...

Fred Litwin
Jul 12, 20213 min read
Fletcher Prouty's Interview with the ARRB, Part One
Was Fletcher Prouty's Trip to Antarctica Unusual? On September 24, 1996, L. Fletcher Prouty was interviewed by the Assassination Records...

Fred Litwin
Jul 11, 20211 min read
Jim Garrison epitomized "insolence in office"
Here is an article from the New Orleans Times-Picayune from February 19, 1973: Previous Relevant Blog Posts Clay Shaw's Journal His...

Fred Litwin
Jul 9, 20212 min read
Mark Lane Said that Clay Shaw Was a "Powerful, Domestic Force in the Assassination."
Here is an article from the Biloxi Daily Herald from April 29, 1967: The article says that "In accordance with the Louisiana Bar's...

Fred Litwin
Jul 9, 20212 min read
Clay Shaw's Journal - March 8 - 11, 1967
The informant would turn out to be Perry Russo. You can read more about Clyde Limbaugh here. Jim Garrison was in Las Vegas where he was...

Fred Litwin
Jul 8, 20213 min read
Jim Garrison Discusses The Three Tramps
The three tramps have been a favorite topic for conspiracy theorists for decades. Jim Garrison was no exception. And in September 1968 in...

Fred Litwin
Jul 7, 20212 min read
Clay Shaw's Journal, March 4 - 7, 1967
The reality of what Clay Shaw is up against starts to kick in. Note that J.B. refers to J. B. Dauenhauer. who was the Assistant Managing...

Fred Litwin
Jul 6, 20212 min read
Did a Life Magazine Memo Say that Clay Shaw was in Rome?
Two days ago, I posted documents showing that the allegation that Clay Shaw was working for the CIA in Rome in the 1960s originated in...
Fred Litwin
Jul 5, 20212 min read
When Shaw was Arrested, What Serious Evidence did Garrison have that he Conspired to Kill JFK?
The $64 challenge still stands: When Clay Shaw was arrested, what serious evidence did Jim Garrison have that he conspired to kill JFK?...

Fred Litwin
Jul 4, 20213 min read
Did the FBI's Regis Kennedy Know that Clay Shaw worked for the CIA?
Bill Davy, in his book Let Justice Be Done, writes: (page 100) "Coincidentally, in 1967, a Garrison informant reported that New Orleans...

Fred Litwin
Jul 3, 20211 min read
Clay Shaw's Journal - After His Arrest
Here are the next two days in Clay Shaw's journal - March 2nd and March 3rd, 1967. Shaw has already started to take pills to get to...

Fred Litwin
Jul 1, 20211 min read
Clay Shaw's Journal - His Arrest
Here is another excerpt from Clay Shaw's journal. You can see that this was dictated into a tape recorder. Note the reticence of Shaw to...

Fred Litwin
Jun 30, 20211 min read
Clay Shaw's Journal
Clay Shaw kept a daily journal during most of 1967. He also started writing a book about the case, and dictated a lot of material which...

Fred Litwin
Jun 30, 20212 min read
M. S. Arnoni and Sylvia Meagher Take On Jim Garrison...
M.S. Arnoni was the editor of The Minority of One, a small, independent left-wing journal that was published monthly in the 1960s. The...

Fred Litwin
Jun 29, 20214 min read
David Chandler Talks to Shaw's Investigators
Yesterday I posted an excerpt from David Chandler's testimony from the Dean Andrews perjury trial. Of course, James DiEugenio took...

Fred Litwin
Jun 28, 20213 min read
David Chandler on Why Garrison Believed Clay Shaw was Clay Bertrand...
David Chandler was a stringer for Life Magazine, and knew Garrison quite well. In fact, Garrison was the best man at his wedding....

Fred Litwin
Jun 27, 20213 min read
Did the HSCA Say that Clay Shaw was a High-Level Planner of the JFK Assassination?
In the summer of 1977, Garrison was interviewed by the HSCA. Here is the first page of a fifteen-page memo regarding the interview as...

Fred Litwin
Jun 25, 20214 min read
Art Kevin Admits Garrison Did Not Have a Case Against Clay Shaw
Yesterday, I posted an article by Art Kevin from his website regarding Jim Garrison's case against Clay Shaw. It was a text version, with...
Fred Litwin
Jun 25, 20216 min read
Art Kevin Looks Back at the Garrison Investigation
Journalist Art Kevin was invited by Jim Garrison to sit at the prosecution table for the preliminary hearing regarding Clay Shaw. Here is...
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