February 4, 1979
Money Quote
Seymour Ostrow, his law partner then, said recently that Mr. Lane's reputation was largely an illusion. Their small firm, Mr. Ostrow said, drew its clients from the impoverished neighborhood. But he said Mr. Lane seemed to be "motivated more by his ambition and quest for publicity than any dedication to a cause or concern for the interests of his clients."
This profile accompanied a much larger article in the New York Times about Mark Lane and Jonestown. I'll post that separately.
Previous Relevant Blog Posts on Mark Lane
An opinion piece by Anthony Lewis in the New York Times on Mark Lane and Jonestown.
An opinion piece from the Washington Post
A good opinion piece from the Philadelphia Bulletin.
Meagher tells Labro a story about Mark Lane.
Even a left-wing magazine like The Progressive found Mark Lane hard to take.
Mark Lane's addition to the 1992 edition of Rush to Judgment is eye opening.
Lane tells Dolan about Garrison's amazing evidence.
Lane makes a startling allegation.
A profile from Mother Jones magazine.
Lane and Meagher feuded about a blurb for her book.
A profile from Esquire Magazine.
An article from the Tampa Bay Times.
An Anthony Lewis column on Mark Lane from 1978.
Howard Roffman finds that Mark Lane's scholarship is lacking.
A profile of Mark Lane in Newsweek.
Mark Lane offers to introduce Jim Garrison to a witness that, for $25,000, would tie Jack Ruby with Clay Shaw.
This post has a good case study of how Mark Lane exploited a redaction in a document.