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The Eviction of Permindex (CMC)

Writer's picture: Fred LitwinFred Litwin

I recently hired someone in Italy to retrieve an article from the February 16, 1962 edition of Paese Sera..

The headline and sub-heads translates as:

The Company Has Not Paid the Rental Fee Since 1960

The World Trade Center will be evicted from the EUR


It rents, for over 100 million a year, the so-called Authentic Art and Modern Art buildings and all the ground floors and basements of the Palazza dell Tradizioni Popular - Colossal favors to managers and board members - A protest from the senator Latini who defined the Center's activity as "hoarding of markets for private interest"

According to conspiracy theorists, Permindex (CMC) was a CIA front to fund right-wing extremist groups. There was never any evidence to back up the claim. But would the CIA really use a company that couldn't even pay its rent? It seems reckless to me, particularly as the article claims that tax authorities were now going to get involved.

Here is the rest of the article:

Here is the text of the article in Italian:

La Societa No Paga Dal 1960 Il Canone D'afito

Sara sfrattato dall'EUR il Centro Mondiale Commerciale

Ha in locazione, a oltre 100 millioni l'anno, gli edifici detti dell'Arte Autica e dell'Arte Moderna e tutti i pianterreni e seminterrati del Palazza dell Tradizioni Popolari - Colossali preb ende a dirigenti e consiglieri di amministrazione - Ignorata una protesta del senatore Latini che definiva l'attivita del Centro "accaparramento di mercati ad interesse privato"

Il Centro Mondiale Commerciale, una organizzaziane internationale che si proposera di transfomare l'EUR in una esposizione permamente di prodotti provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo, ed ha occupanto ed autorizzato, a questro scopo, alcuni edifici monumentali del nuovo quartierre romano, ricevera lo sfratto per morosita. Si e venuto infatti a sapere, lu seguito a una vertenza giudiziaria discussea subato scorso in Tribunale, che la grossa societa non paga la pigione del 31 agosto del 1960.

Il Centro Mondiale Commerciale avera avuta in locazione dall'Ente Autonomo dell'EUR fin dal 31 maggio 1958 i due edifici cosiddetti dell "Art Antica" e della "Art Moderna" e tutti i planterreni e i seminterrati de "l Palazzo del Tradizioni Popolari" con un contratto di 9 anni che fissava un ritto di 101 millioni e mezzo per l primi 6 anni e di 142 millioni e 118 mila lire per all atri tre. Ma per avere un'ldea plu esatta della grandiosa attivita che questa organizzazione si proponera dl olgere ne nostro paese, birogna aggiungere alla forte a pesa, dei fitto, quella ancora plu forte per assegni e prebende ai dirigenti e consiglieri di amministrazione nonche le spese del personnale, della pubblicita e la tasse; non memo di 250 millioni annui. Trecento telefoni, infine, complettatano una fitta rete di collegamenti interni ed esterni atta a sbrigare un volume di affari che, sulla carta, doveva dare serie preoccupazioni anche alle piu qualificate imprese italiane.

E qualche allarme si ebbe, a dire il vero, tanto che lo stesso presidente, della associazione industriali del Lazlo ed allora consigliere comupule sen. Carlo Latini, denuncio anni or sono in Campidoglio i proponimenti del Centro, ne rivelo gli addentellati in campo internazionale e chiese alle competenti cutorita una maggior protezione deoli interessei locali.

"La societa per azioni "Centro Mondiale Commerciale" -- disse in quella occasione il sen. Latini -- intende realizzare in Italia, consede all'EUR una esposizione permanente internazionale nel quadro della attivita dell organizzazione "Permindex" di Basilea. Le Permindex a una compagnia svizzera con sede in Basilea formata da un pruppo di industriali, banchieri e uomini di affari per la maggior parte svizzeri, ma anche tedeschi e americicani, e completamente finanziati da fonti private.

" Lo scopo denunciato -- pugiunise il portavoce degli industriali romani -- e quello di sviluppare il commercio mondiale attraverso in istituzione di centrl stabili internazionali di commercio e di esposizioni internazionali permanenti, Ma. sfrondata tale enunciazione da ogni iperbole e da ogni camuffamento resta comme sostanza l'attivita mercantile d'interesse privato per l'accaparramento dei vari mercati, in previsione al clo che dovra essere il Mercato Comune - .

Dopo uno sterile tentativo di piantare le tende a Milano, il Centro fisso las sua sede in Rome e nel suo consiglio di amministrazione troviamo i nomi dell'avv Carlo D'Amelio di Roma (nominato presidente del Centro); dello on. Bonfantini, di Torino; dell'on. Mario Ceravolo, di Catanzaro; del principe Gutierrez di Spadafora, dirigente industriale e agricoltore palermitano; del dott. Ernest Feist di Bernu, ministro svizzero; del prof. Max Hagemann, editore del "National Zeitung"; del dott. Ferenc Nagy di Herndon, cittadino americano e presidente della Permindex; del prof. Edgar Salin di Basilea; del banchierre Hans Selgiman-Schurch di Basilea, e del signor Clay Shaw di New Orleans, consigiere delegato dell "International Trade Mart".

Fuori di questo consiglio, scelto apposta per conferire prestiglio all'impresa, figuravano pero ed apivano alenne persone che taluni giornali hanno tratteggiato a fosche tinte senza peraltro ricevere smentite o precisazioni dagli interessati. In primo luogo un apolide gia ungherese di nome Georges Mandel ma conosciuto col nome di Mandello, definito il "general manager" dell'affare. Poi un cittadino canadese, tale Bloomfield (maggiore dell'esercito USA che un settimanale defini un agente del sereizio segreto americano finanziatore dell'impressa per 250 millioni di lire) e il dottor Davide Biergun, segretario nazionale della National Committee for Labor Israel Inc, organizzazione con sede in New York che percepisce i fondi per il sostenamento dei profughi da Israele. Il Biegun, che alloggia in un albergo alla 123 West 57th Stree, N.Y. City, e ignoto alle banche, ma tuttaria riesce a finanziare cospicuamente le imprese del Mandel.

Tra gli afari del Mandel, collatalmente al Centro Commerciale Mondiale e sempre nel quadro dell iniziative italiane, figura l'opzione su una dell plu bell aree dell'EUR prospicente il lago zulla quale zarebbe dovuto sorgere un grande albergo americano in stretta concorrenza con l'Hilton. Sul terreno renne affiso e tuttora si puo notare un vistoso cartello con "la serifa" Hotel au Lac, mentre il Mandel con l'opzione in tasca (pagata intormo al 5 millioni) cerco inutilmente acquirenti, sori o capitali in America. Ultimamente si era ridotto a cedere l'opzione per soli 50 millioni ma pare che all sia scaduta tra le mani.

Le speculazioni editizie sono nua specialita di Mandel; ma in Svizzera, dove i suoi disegni furono capiti chiaramente, non gli fu mal permesso di realizzarle; ad un certo punto anzi, gli fu addirittura impedito l'ingresso entro i confini elvetici Trattamiento diverso, invece, gli e stato riserrato in Italia dove gli speculatori sulle aree trovano terreno sempre fertile. Grazie all'interressamiento e all'aluto dell'avv. D'Amelio, call pote trattare a pagamento differito l'acquisto di una congrua parte della tenata di Capacotta, proprieta degli eredi Serola. Con le mappe del terreno e con un progretto di lottizzazione che transforma il parco in un Iussuoso nucleo residenzial denominato "Marina Reale", il Mandel ripete recentemente il riaggio in America, ma non troro amatori. L'intero appezzamento ed il progetto di lettizzazione che si starebbe per realizzare im dispregia a tutte le norme aulla difesa del paesaggio sono ora passati la proprieta del banchiere siezzero Seligman-Schurch la cambio dei capital da costui persi nell'affaire del Centro Mondiale, che a ormai agonizzante.

Insieme all'ingiunzione dei 150 millioni di pigione arretrata, il Centro Mondiale, ha ricenuto altri dipiaceriz il ripetuto sequestro dell mobilia, per esempio e l'interessumento della polizia tributaria. Ma si dice, malgrado tutto che i fondi per mantenere in piedi la traballante baracca del Centro veranno encora sia gia qualche banca disposta a conceder mutui sulle propettate speculazioni edilizie di Capacotta o sui futuri e improbabili introiti dell a esposizione permanente.

Here is the translation:

The Company Has Not Paid the Rental Fee Since 1960

The World Trade Center will be evicted from the EUR

It rents, for over 100 million a year, the so-called Authentic Art and Modern Art buildings and all the ground floors and basements of the Palazza dell Tradizioni Popular - Colossal favors to managers and board members - A protest from the senator Latini who defined the Center's activity as "hoarding of markets for private interest"

The World Commercial Center, an international organization that aims to transform the EUR into a permanent exhibition of products from all parts of the world, and has occupied and authorized, for this purpose, some monumental buildings of the new Roman district, will receive the eviction for default. In fact, following a legal dispute discussed in court recently, it became known that the large company is not paying the rent of 31 August 1960.

The World Commercial Center will have had the two so-called "Art Antica" and "Art Moderna" buildings and all the ground floors and basements of the "Palace of Popular Traditions" leased from the EUR Autonomous Body since 31 May 1958 with a 9-year contract which set a fee of 101 and a half million for the first 6 years and 142 million and 118 thousand lire for the other three. But to have a more precise idea of the grandiose activity that this organization will propose to carry out in our country, we need to add to the strong one the rent, the even stronger one for allowances and perks for the directors and board members as well as the expenses of the personnel, advertising and taxes; I don't remember 250 million per year. Finally, three hundred telephones complete a dense network of internal and external connections capable of handling a volume of business which, on paper, should have given serious concern to even the most qualified Italian companies.

And there was some alarm, to tell the truth, so much so that the president himself of the Lazlo industrial association and then municipal councilor sen. Carlo Latini, years ago, denounced the intentions of the Center at the Campidoglio, revealed the implications in the international field and asked the competent authorities for greater protection of local interests.

"The joint-stock company "Centro World Commerciale" - said Sen. Latini on that occasion - intends to create in Italy, in the EUR, a permanent international exhibition within the framework of the activities of the "Permindex" organization of Basel. The Permindex a a Swiss company based in Basel formed by a group of industrialists, bankers and businessmen, mostly Swiss, but also German and American, and completely financed by private sources.

"The denounced aim - Pugiunise the spokesperson of the Roman industrialists - is that of developing world trade through the establishment of stable international trade centers and permanent international exhibitions, but once this statement has been stripped of all hyperbole and all camouflage it remains as essentially the mercantile activity of private interest for the capture of the various markets, in anticipation of the goal that the Common Market will have to be -.

After a fruitless attempt to pitch tents in Milan, the Center fixed its headquarters in Rome and on its board of directors we find the names of the lawyer Carlo D'Amelio of Rome (appointed president of the Centre); of the Hon. Bonfantini, from Turin; of the Hon. Mario Ceravolo, from Catanzaro; of Prince Gutierrez of Spadafora, industrial manager and farmer from Palermo; of Dr. Ernest Feist of Bern, Swiss minister; of the prof. Max Hagemann, editor of the "National Zeitung"; of Dr. Ferenc Nagy of Herndon, American citizen and president of Permindex; of the prof. Edgar Salin of Basel; of the banker Hans Seligman-Schurch of Basel, and of Mr. Clay Shaw of New Orleans, managing director of the "International Trade Mart".

However, outside this board, chosen specifically to give prestige to the company, there were numerous people who some newspapers have portrayed in dark colors without receiving denials or clarifications from the interested parties. Firstly, a stateless Hungarian named Georges Mandel but known by the name of Mandello, defined as the "general manager" of the deal. Then a Canadian citizen, a certain Bloomfield (a major in the US army who a weekly magazine defined as an agent of the American secret service who financed the company for 250 million lire) and Dr Davide Biergun, national secretary of the National Committee for Labor Israel Inc, an based in New York which receives funds to support refugees from Israel. The Biegun, who is staying in a hotel at 123 West 57th Street, N.Y. City, and unknown to the banks, but still manages to significantly finance Mandel's businesses.

Among Mandel's deals, alongside the World Commercial Center and always within the framework of Italian initiatives, is the option on one of the most beautiful areas of the EUR overlooking Lake Zulla where a large American hotel should be built in close competition with the Hilton. On the reindeer land posted and you can still see a conspicuous sign with "la serifa" Hotel au Lac, while the Mandel with the option in his pocket (paid around 5 million) searches in vain for buyers, money or capital in America. Lately he had been reduced to selling the option for just 50 million but it seems that everything has expired in his hands.

Publishing speculation is Mandel's specialty; but in Switzerland, where his designs were clearly understood, he was not permitted to carry them out; at a certain point, in fact, he was even prevented from entering the Swiss borders. Different treatment, however, was restricted to him in Italy where speculators in the areas always find fertile ground. Thanks to the interest and help of the lawyer. D'Amelio, he was able to negotiate the purchase of a significant part of the Capacotta estate, property of the Serola heirs, for a deferred payment. With the maps of the land and with a subdivision project that transforms the park into a luxurious residential nucleus called "Marina Reale", Mandel recently repeats the trip to America, but not among amateurs. The entire plot and the landscaping project that is about to be carried out in defiance of all the regulations for the protection of the landscape have now passed into the ownership of the Syrian banker Seligman-Schurch in exchange for the capital lost by him in the World Center affair, which now dying.

Along with the injunction of the 150 million in back rent, the World Center received further displeasure: the repeated seizure of furniture, for example, and the involvement of the tax police. But it is said, despite everything, that the funds to keep the rickety shack of the Center upright will still come from some bank willing to grant loans on Capacotta's proposed building speculations or on the future and unlikely income from the permanent exhibition.


The tone of this article is not conspiratorial, it takes a somewhat anti-capitalist tone, which is consistent with the goals of Paese Sera.

They couldn't pay their rent and they even had their furniture repossessed. Some CIA front.

The rumor about Louis Bloomfield is that he is (or was) a Secret Service agent, despite being a Canadian citizen. Paese Sera says this rumor comes from some weekly magazine, and not from the Paese Sera itself. Furthermore, it mentions that he funded the company, when in fact, he was only a lawyer who represented some of the shareholders in North America.

In 1967, Paese Sera was more definite -- Bloomfield was "formerly of the secret service."

Further, in 1967, Paese Sera talked about some of the troubles facing CMC but said nothing about them being evicted in 1962.

The supposed investigation into Permindex (CMC) by Paese Sera in 1967 was a complete sham. Their series of articles were mostly rumors they themselves created and they included a lot of false information (like claiming Clay Shaw lived in Rome for two years working with Permindex). You would have thought that journalists looking into Permindex (CMC) would have simply telephoned Louis Bloomfield in Montreal.

Permindex (CMC) declared bankruptcy in December 1964. I now have to find out what Paese Sera wrote back then. Permindex (CMC) was a good idea (to take advantage of the European common market) but they never could get enough tenants to make CMC viable.

Previous Relevant Blog Posts on Permindex

Many conspiracy books claim that Permindex moved to South Africa. There is no evidence that it did.

There is no evidence that Permindex plotted against de Gaulle.

The complete set of State Department documents on Permindex.

Chris Peeks interviews me about Permindex.

Conspiracy theorists mislead people on Permindex/CMC.

Many books maintain that the President of Permindex, Ferenc Nagy, lived in Dallas in 1963. He actually lived in Herndon, Virginia.

The book Coup in Dallas gets Permindex all wrong, and with no footnotes.

Was Montreal lawyer Louis Bloomfield running an assassination bureau?

Louis Bloomfield was a good man who raised a lot of money for Canadian charities. Unfortunately, conspiracy theorists have linked him to the JFK assassination.

The memo only quotes from Pease Sera.

The information that Shaw lived in Rome and worked for the CIA originated with Paese Sera.

Clay Shaw was on the Board of Directors of Permindex. Here is his file.

If Jim Garrison wanted to learn more about Louis Bloomfield, all he had to do was pick up the phone or go to Montreal.

Yes, a conspiracy book actually makes this claim.

Revealed for the first time.

They were involved!

George Mantello was a hero.


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