"He had a thin case, no question about it," Stone told UPI in a recent Zoom interview. "Garrison became his own worst enemy by not even bringing some of the people he wanted to bring to trial as witnesses, because he was preserving their privacy and their integrity."
Good to see that Stone now admits that Garrison "had a thin case, no question about it."
But preserving the privacy and integrity of some witnesses? Who on earth is he talking about?
"I trusted Jim," Stone said. "I really believe in the honesty and the integrity of Jim Garrison."
There is Oliver Stone's problem in a nutshell. Garrison wasn't honest and he had no integrity. The fact that Stone can't see that says something about his judgment.
"A guy shoots the president out of an impossible perch on a window that no marksman has ever matched," Stone said. "He dies, so there's no evidence. There's no trial."
So, there's no evidence? Really?
The shots from the southeast corner of the sixth floor were easy shots. The first shot was only 55 yards, and the head shot was just 85 yards. Because in all probability the first shot missed, Oswald had 8 - 10 seconds to fire three times. And Oswald was a sharpshooter in the Marines and easily had the requisite skill to kill JFK.
"Then the assassin of Oswald is bumped off in a strange cancer case a month before he's supposed to testify," Stone said. "Initially some 26 witnesses that are of interest die violently in the next period of time."
Ruby died of cancer. It wasn't strange. And just what 26 witnesses died violently?
"Don't buy anything the government ever says again," Stone said. "The country will never get its conscience together and get its history together as long as we believe them."
This is Oliver Stone's message to people?
This reminds me of a scene from Stone's so-called documentary series, JFK: Destiny Betrayed. Here is an excerpt from my book, Oliver Stone's Film-Flam: The Demagogue of Dealey Plaza: (pages 363 - 364)
Here is author David Talbot: (54:11 in Episode 4)
I think there's a direct thread between the events of 1963, and the kind of horror show that America is having to endure right now. And I think once you kill a president in broad daylight on the streets of an American city, and everyone knows that powerful forces did it, and it can never be solved, that crime, that sends a signal, not only to the American people, but to the American media, to American future leaders. And if American really wants a democratic society, then we should get to the bottom of this traumatic crime that continues to reverberate throughout American history.
What kind of message is this? Telling people that their actions are useless unless the supposed JFK conspiracy and cover-up are revealed? Is this not a nihilist recipe for inaction?
A minute later (55:30) the narrator asks this question:
Can a democracy survive if it does not know its deepest secrets about the darkest days of its past?
This message of hopelessness is courtesy of a man who believes that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is rational, calm, and thoughtful.
Ok, back to the UPI story:
"Everybody in the world has an opinion," Stone said. "It's just that they'd rather have an opinion than know anything. That's what bothers me."
Boy is that the pot calling the kettle black!
The article ends with Stone's statement about his battle with truth:
"My battles continue with the truth," Stone said. "Once you enter into a world of thinking for yourself you're in trouble here."
Has Stone ever thought for himself? He relies upon people like Fletcher Prouty and James DiEugenio for his JFK information.
Previous Relevant Blog Posts
An excerpt from an interview with Chris Wallace.
A good opinion piece from the Boston Globe.
Two letters from Weisberg to Stone.
A good review of Stone's JFK.
Two JFK researchers watch Stone's JFK.
An interesting look back.
Wicker reviews JFK for the New York Times and Weisberg responds.
Even this counterculture newspaper knew the truth about JFK.
David Lifton gave me permission to post this letter.
The Deputy Chief Counsel of the HSCA offers up some opinions.
Garrison instructed Tommy Lee Jones on how to play Clay Shaw.
The Advocate writes about Oliver Stone and Jim Garrison.
This post has a large Robert Sam Anson article on the film JFK from Esquire magazine.
Pershing Gervais, Garrison's first chief investigator, and reporter Rosemary James report back on the film JFK.
Lardner writes a memo to his editors about Oliver Stone.
Don't miss the Viewer's Guide to JFK: Destiny Betrayed and JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass.Â
Over the past several months, I have shown in multiple blog posts how Oliver Stone's documentary series, JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed, misleads viewers. In fact, despite months of work, there are still many more misleading segments that need to be addressed. It's no wonder that the fact checkers of Netflix nixed the airing of the films.
There is a choice between four hours of tendentious nonsense (JFK: Destiny Betrayed) and two hours (JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass). As a handy guide for viewers, here are all those posts in order of their appearance in JFK: Destiny Betrayed and JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, preceded by some general critiques.
The Viewer's Guide has now been updated to include the sources from my new book, Oliver Stone's Film-Flam: The Demagogue of Dealey Plaza.Â