M.S. Arnoni was the editor of The Minority of One, a small, independent left-wing journal that was published monthly in the 1960s. The JFK assassination was an important topic in the journal and Sylvia Meagher was a regular contributor. Both Arnoni and Meagher took a dim view of Jim Garrison, and here is an unsigned article from the October 1967 issue that was written by Arnoni:

Jim Garrison sent a reply to Arnoni:

Sylvia Meagher wrote Arnoni a letter in response:

There were several letters to the editor regarding Arnoni's article:

Sylvia Meagher sent this letter to Arnoni regarding the letters to the editor:

Arnoni sent a copy of his article to Irvin Dymond, the trial lawyer for Clay Shaw:

Irvin Dymond replied:

Dymond made some important points about the issues facing Clay Shaw's defense team.
Here is another blog post with a memo written by Irvin Dymond on the difficulties of defending Clay Shaw. There was no discovery in the Louisiana courts in the 1960s and Clay Shaw had to spend a lot of money on detectives to run down every lead they would find out about.
Previous Posts about Sylvia Meagher
Meagher's letter to Clay Shaw and his reply.
An unpublished Sylvia Meagher memo on the Shaw trial.
Another unpublished Sylvia Meagher memo on Garrison and the Warren Commission Critics.
Two letters from Sylvia Meagher to Harold Weisberg and Meagher's review of Paris Flammonde's The Kennedy Conspiracy.
A letter from Sylvia Meagher to Clay Shaw.
A Thornley letter to Meagher and her reply.
Sylvia Meagher and Jim Phelan write letters to Garrison.
This blog post includes Sylvia Meagher's letter to Playboy Magazine about their interview with Jim Garrison.