Here's an article I just came across in the papers of Dick Russell. It's from September 3, 1975 and was most probably in the New York Daily News, which is where Dick Brass worked.
Fletcher Prouty and Richard Sprague embarrass themselves in front of everybody by claiming:
No shots from the sixth floor window of the TSBD.
No one took the backyard photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Marina Oswald might have been in on the plot.
Secret service policy only allowed for a minimum speed of 44 mph in a motorcade.
The umbrella man may "have signaled the assassination."
Here is the press release for Prouty's article:
You can read "The Guns of Dallas" here. The article included this:
and this:
Previous Relevant Posts on Fletcher Prouty
A summary document of his interview with the ARRB
Another summary document from the ARRB about Prouty's allegations and army intelligence.
Prouty had some very unsavory relationships with antisemitic groups.
Was Fletcher Prouty's Trip to Antarctica Unusual?
Regarding Christchurch, New Zealand and The Christchurch Star
Regarding the 112th Intelligence Corps (INTC) Group and/or the 316th INTC Detachment
Did Prouty Keep the notes from his supposed phone call about army intelligence?
Prouty's experience with military presidential protection duties
Flagrant failure by the Secret Service to take minimum precautions?
Did Lee Harvey Oswald participate in a covert program in Indonesia in 1958?
Was General Edward Lansdale in one of the pictures of the three tramps?
Bud Fensterwald of the Committee To Investigate Assassinations ("The other CIA") told me that Marina was "definitely KGB", but he didn't suggest that she was involved in the assassination.