The National Archives has many audio recordings from the Garrison investigation. These cassettes and tapes were given to NARA by Harry Connick, Sr., as a result of legal action by the ARRB.
While some conspiracy theorists claim that the FBI bugged his offices, in fact, it was Jim Garrison who was doing the taping. No doubt he forgot these tapes when he was cleaning out his files back when he left office in 1973.
I am in the midst of retrieving these audio files and preparing transcripts.
Here is a list of my blog posts related to specific audio files:
Reverend Raymond Broshears was an incredible fabulist. This TV appearance was noticed by Mark Lane and Stephen Jaffe who convinced Garrison to subpoena Broshears and bring him to New Orleans for questioning.
An audio recording of Perry Russo on WAFB in Baton Rouge.
Initial statements by Perry Russo in Baton Rouge before he is taken to New Orleans. Included is a link to a recording of his third hypnosis session.
Sciambra tries to set a date when Thornley will testify before the grand jury.
Strout had a story to tell about conspiracy and was all set to go to New Orleans but changed his mind..
Garrison tells the HSCA that Kerry Thornley was the second Oswald.
Garrison tells the HSCA about the impersonation of Oswald.
Garrison tells the HSCA stories about Guy Banister.
More on Kerry Thornley but Garrison has some startling information on one of the tramps.
Upcoming: An incredible audio recording of Jim Garrison meeting with Jack Martin from December 1966.