One of the most interesting stories in my book is contained in Chapter 16, "Arsenic and Old Perrin." I tell the story of two Garrison investigators, Bill Boxley and Joel Palmer who were sent out to look into Robert Perrin, the husband of Nancy Perrin Rich. She testified before the Warren Commission.
She had told them that she had briefly worked for Jack Ruby in Dallas, and that he had been involved in running guns to Cuba. There were numerous problems with her testimony - she could remember very little about the meetings - and she had very little credibility. You can read her testimony in Warren Commission Volume XIV, Pages 330-364. But, don't forget to read the exhibits that accompany her testimony in Volume XXVI - you'll see why she has little credibility.
Robert Perrin had lived in Dallas and New Orleans, and thus Garrison thought he could provide the connective tissue between the genesis of a conspiracy in New Orleans and the actual assassination in Dallas. The only problem was that Perrin committed suicide in 1962.
You'll have to read the entire story to believe it. At the end, Warren Commission critics Harold Weisberg and Vincent Salandria convinced Garrison that Boxley was a CIA plant, and he was promptly fired from the investigation. Palmer then disappeared.
I found Joel Palmer. And we started discussing the case. He is still a big believer in Jim Garrison and his investigation. While researching my book, I came across a memo written by Harold Weisberg:

I sent this memo to Joel and asked him if he wanted to comment on it. I told him that I would publish his response. He then sent me a 3,000+ word reply which proved to be a little too big for my book. So, to honor my pledge, I am posting his reply (edited for spelling) so that everybody, not just purchasers of my book, can read it.
What makes it interesting is that Palmer disagrees with many of the conspiracy critics who actually believe that Boxley was CIA. Palmer confirms, as I write in my book, that Garrison was 100% behind the Perrin investigation.
Here is his reply:

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